Work Flow Checklist (for Research Coordinator):  Work Flow Checklist.docx


Before the patient arrives:

¨   Ask Annette ( for monthly surgical Calendar (check regularly for updates on the calendar throughout the month). Update dates into SharePoint calendar.

¨   Download patient MDC from CEC filemaker/EPIC, anonymize the document, and upload to SharePoint.

¨   Create a summary of all patients for the month and email this along with patient MDC’s to Lucia (

¨   Determine whether or not patient is eligible to go for MEG session downtown (done with Lucia). If patient is eligible contact patient to schedule an appointment.

¨   Update upcoming iEEG document (google drive)

¨   Find out preadmission testing appointment. Email Diana Woods ( to obtain the date.

¨   Contact primary epileptologist to determine suitability of patients for iEEG studies (Lucia does this).

¨   Request cognitive assessment from NP  (Kim Menzer: or primary epileptologist

¨   If patient is suitable and patient has not been consented at his/her MEG session, contact him/her, and set up a time to meet right before/after his/her PAT

Once patient is consented:

¨   Assign NY# to patient. Check the MRI spreadsheet to confirm there are no overlaps (always reserve a few numbers in advance by marking them as “IEEG numbers”)

¨   Update master excel sheet with patient information.

¨   Send Hugh patient information (name/age) for electrode reconstruction. Check with him that the images are of sufficient quality, if not request MRI from MRI research coordinator.

¨   Email Allan George ( with patient name, patient epileptologist, and patient contact information to schedule a research MRI for the patient.

Day of patient’s surgery:

¨   Contact Dan/Patricia with regards to setting up the second clinical (done by Lucia).

Day patient arrives on the unit (usually day after surgery):

¨   Confirm montage with Dan/Patricia and set up second clinical.

¨   Notify the EEG techs in the morning that you will be setting up a second clinical. Coordinate the hookup of the 1st clinical with the 2nd clinical. (Ask Dan/Patricia to ask techs to plug in electrodes into jackbox).

¨   Obtain patient montage and surgical sketch ppt from the Epilepsy drive on the Network Desktop.

¨   Anonymize all documents and send an email to Lucia, along with the patient’s summary.

¨   With Lucia’s confirmation send an email to collaborators ( (If for some reason patient hasn’t been consented yet, wait to obtain patient consent before sending out email.)

¨   Make a task priority list with Lucia.

When setting up the second clinical:

¨   Make sure to bring isolator box. Plug second clinical, bed, and IV into the isolator box.

¨   Setup DC channels on clin1.

¨   Bring comp 2 and run the syncing program (presentation file) to sync both clinical systems.

While patient is on unit:

¨   Check Epic to see what happened the night before or talk to the nurse on the unit.

¨   Check on Patient in the morning and make a task plan for the day (email Lucia update on patient status and task plan for the day).

¨   Save dayflies (.e and .edf) daily and create a .txt file with log of date and time of file

¨   Prune task data (save .e and .edf file).

¨   Run anonymization script on .edf file.

¨   Send anoynimized .edf files to collaborators.

¨   Upload all task data, dayfiles, patient MDC, surgical sketch ppt, and montage to the UCSD server and Synology.

¨   Update patient log with any adverse events/seizure occurrence/tasks completed for the day.

When patient leaves:

¨   Anonymize final surgical sketch ppt and save into patient’s NY folder in the IEEG folder on the desktop and upload onto synology and UCSD server.

¨   Upload anonymized pathology report (from EPIC) onto synology and UCSD server.

¨   Upload anonymized Surgeon’s report for electrode implant/explant/resection (from EPIC) onto synology and UCSD server.

¨   Upload anonymized VEEG Monitoring report onto synology and ucsd server.

¨   Email Heather to reimburse patient for participating.