Saving Clinical Data


To save raw data format (.e and video file)


First, open NicVue and search for the patient by surname (click on the binoculars icon to initiate the search). Recordings for each patient are arbitrarily saved in different files. Get the task start and end times from the task CRF form in the patient binder. It is usually safer to add a minute before and after the noted times to give a safety margin. Note the time of the task you want to save and open the file with the corresponding time. Pick files with pictures of hard drives and not CDs.

Double-click on selected saved file. A separate reader should open with the bottom screen tab indicating “Reader” and not “Recorder”.

From the top menu select Format and make sure “As Recorded” is checked (switches Montage to display as recorded, so all our triggers show up).


  1. Use the select tool at the top of the screen (see figure below) for inserting user events. Click on the EEG where you would like to start the Research section (cursor should look like an envelope), scroll to the time point in the EEG where you want to end the Research then release the mouse. On releasing the mouse a list of options will pop up – select “Research” from the drop down menu. A gray bar will appear above the EEG marking it as Research. (you can scroll through the EEG by clicking on either edge of the EEG, when the white arrow appears or by the clicking on the time line at the top of the screen). To extend the Research section over multiple screens, right-click on the gray highlighted section indicating “Research data to be saved” and select the option Resize. Then slide the grey bar at top of screen to the time where the research section should end. Press the shift button and click on the screen where you want the research section to end. Verify that all triggers have been included and use the video to verify that the recording is over.


  1. Right click in the white area between the EEG and the event list (see image) and click “NYU Save Video”
  2. Prune the preview to show only the research EEG. Click File > Prune Preview > NYU


  1. Go to File > Save Prune As

Make sure you check “Save Video”

Don’t enter anything for Test ID.

Click on “Save to File” (DO NOT CLICK OK

  1. Navigate to a folder on the desktop to save the Data. The folder should have the patient NYXXX ID and there should be a subfolder for the specific task being recorded. The subfolder should be the name of the task or name of the corresponding collaborator. The filename should have format similar to NY###_TaskName_run#.e

MAKE SURE THAT: “Remove Patient Identification” AND “Include video” ARE BOTH CHECKED.

This will export a .e file (raw data) and the video files. However, for data analysis, the ideal format is .edf so next you will need to export the .e file as a .edf file.


To Export as EDF format

  1. Open up the .e file you saved without the patient identification (double click on .e file). Again, select: Format -> As recorded (switches Montage to display as recorded)
  2. Click on File -> Export

In the Export pop-up window, select:

1) File Type: EDF

2) Montage: Raw Data

3) Data: Whole File, or if you have multiple tasks you can select the time points to export.

Press the Export button and save to Desktop

  1. Save in the same folder with the same filename as the “.e” file but ensure the extension is “.edf” instead of “.e”
  2. Close the NicView Reader application.



Burning and Uploading Data to UCSD

Depending on who needs the data, you can save the data to a CD, flash drive, or hard drive. For each case, you will have to note the number on the screen of the computer you used to save the data. Then go to the back of the EEG room with all of the computers and insert your device into the computer with the matching number.

Always save .e, .edf, and video files for each task.

  1. To save to a CD:

Start Menu -> Roxio -> Creator Classic

1a.To burn to flash drive or external HD:

Sync data

1b To save to hard drive, copy entire task folder into patient folder on hard drive (My Book, drive D, F or G).

  1. Write on the CRF form that clinical system data have been grabbed.
  2. You will get an error if you try to directly upload files from an external device to UCSD. You can save a copy of the clinical data on the NSpike server and upload to UCSD from there.

Data are currently being saved in the following location:

/home/halgdev/incoming/iEEG_NYU/NY### where NY### is patient ID.

  1. Once data have been uploaded, email collaborator indicating location of his/her data on the UCSD server.