NSpike Definition Files

There are 2 definition files that are required when you run an experiment with the NSpike system: the patient file, and the experiment file. These are Matlab .m files, containing declarations that describe how to set up everything. Also of importance is the montage/channel naming file, which describes what names go with what channels.

All files reside in the appropriate subdirectories of ~/nspike_defn_files/, called exp_defn_files and patient_defn_files. In each of those subdirectories is a template file that can be used as a basis for customization.

Experiment Definition File

The experiment definition file contains such as info as the desired output format (byte size, sampling rate, filtering params, etc.), whether and how to use the data glove, and most importantly, the events of interest. The events contain a record of each code trigger used to identify an event, and the time window of interest around the trigger. This will be used to automatically set up epoch-based data later.

If you are an outside collaborator, the only file you will need to supply is the experiment definition file. Primarily, you will need to define the events and codes of interest. Make sure those are coordinated with the port output of your stimulus presentation programs. To make an experimental definition file, copy the file called exp_defn_template – COPY ME FOR NEW EXPTS.m and name it exp_defn_MyExperimentCode.m. The first line should run exp_defn_defaults.m. After that, add any line you need to, to change the defaults. The defaults will not need changing for most experiments; most important is to set up the events. See the template for an example.

Patient definition file

Typically just contains the patient’s code number (e.g., ‘NY001’), and the name of the channel/montage file that contains the channel names. This rarely changes for a patient. This is set up by the clinical and research staff and need not concern outside collaborators.

Hardware file

This defines certain parameters for the NSpike system’s operation. This is no longer prompted for, since the parameters rarely change, and has been removed from this page to keep things simple.