1. Add DC Channels on montage


Add the DC channels to the patient’s montage on the first day, and keep them there during the patient’s entire stay.

On their reviewing computer in the EEG tech review room do the following steps:

  1. Click the “Settings” icon at the top of the screenGo to the “Sensors” tab and add each DC channel to the bottom of the list.
    1. Name = “DC1”, “DC2”, “DC3 … DC8”
    2. Select “Pulse” for presentation laptop triggers (DC1 through DC8)
    3. Select “ExtDC” for Mac triggers and other devices such as eye tracker, photodiode, audio, etc. (DC9 through DC12)
    4. Color = “Teal”
    5. Hit Save
  2. Go to the “Amplifier” tab and select the DC channels.
    1. Scroll down until you find the channels labeled “SEEG DC1”, “SEEG DC2”, … check the ON box for as many as you need.
    2. Sensor = “DC1”, “DC2”, …
  3. these are the names that your typed in on the Sensors tab. If the names don’t show up in the drop down menu, go back to the Sensors tab and double check the Type.
    1. Sampling Rate = “Common Rate”
  4. The common sampling rate is set at the top of the screen to 512Hz for iEEG patients
    1. Hit Save and Apply.
  5. Go to the “Montage” page and add the DC channels to the bottom of the montage
    1. Active: “DC1”
    2. Reference: “Ref”
    3. Display type: “ Trace”
    4. For DC1 through DC8: unclick “Special” and click “Audio” ; For DC9 through DC12: unclick “Audio” and click “Special”
    5. Click Save and Apply
  6.  Right click on  channel names for options (Color, Sensitivity, Hide)

The DC channels will appear as flat lines until you plug in the trigger cables. You can right click on the channel names on the side of the EEG screen, and change it’s properties, for example the color. You can make DC channels a bright color during an experiment. But when we are not actively working with the patient either hide the DC channels are make them white.


Setup during the recording

Make sure you have added the DC channels to the montage.

There is a clinical trigger cable in the back office, which is a parallel port with 8 audio jack connectors attached to it. The parallel port plugs into the presentation laptop (via the extension cables). The audio jacks plug into the wall unit of the clinical system. There are 12 DC inputs on the side, plug each audio jack (labeled DC1, DC2, etc.) into the corresponding DC input on the clinical system.

If you are simultaneously sending triggers to the clinical system and any other system (second clinical, laminar, Utah), use the parallel port splitter (usually kept on the top shelf of the grey metal cabinet in the office.)